Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Final Semester of Studies in NTU

Well... Time flies... It has been 6 semester since I first step into NTU. It is also my last semester having exam in NTU if everything goes successfully. Well this semester other than project, it is a slightly more relaxing semester for me. As I only took 4 modules and 2 of them are elective, 2 of them are core. The other 2 are elective and both of them i have a interest in it so i think will not score that badly and should be able to secure at least a B in these module of course i am hoping for a A- la... but keeping my finger crossed and hope that everything will go well... Thanks to the YOG2010, Now my Exam clashes with the primary school ones and my CCA have to continue and my tuition also need to continue as a result i really don't know how well can i do it.

Well, at least after this thursday i touch a bit more on my FYP and i am going to relax and start mugging for my Core and hopefully can cover all the topics that have taught for the past 12 weeks in 2 weeks... dots... i know it is abit too rush but hope everything will go well this sem and i need to clear all and thats it! I am off to IAP and finally graduation!!! Which i am really looking forward to it!